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how to share from PC to Mobile
So ive got both connected to the same everything but I upload the the video on PC and I click play on mobile but then nothing happens?
Hello. Does anything happens at all?
Please, send us more details regarding the problem.
subcription cancellation
I'm nor praising you. Unsubscribe me. I want to unsubscribe from the pro version of the program. How do I do that? Like I don't want to pay the money next month. I don't mind if you keep the money you already have, but please unsubscribe me from your premium program. Like, unsubscribe me right now. Why aren't you responding??? How do I get a more direct mode of contact.
v1.17.2@2.10.3 , not letting me download.
v1.17.2@2.10.3 , not letting me download. i click prepare and then it wont start. on pro version.
Please refund me. I keep sending emails to help@televzr.com, but they check and don't reply. I want to know the status of the process.
나는 그것을 사용하지 않았습니다.
구독을 취소해 주세요.
3월부터 계속해서 요금이 청구되었습니다.
저는 3월 초에 한 번만 이용했습니다.
불공평 해.
즉시 모두 환불해 주세요.
나는 아직도 기소되고 있다는 사실조차 몰랐습니다.
즉시 환불해주세요.
이 이메일은 내 이메일을 확인하지만 응답하지 않습니다.
내 요청을 즉시 수락해 주세요.
그리고 진행상황을 알려주세요.
Отписаться от взимания платы невозможно, т.к. ссылки для отмены подписки неактивные или мошеннические.
Пришлось снять деньги и закрыть банковскую карту!
I paid 2x 40 USD and I didn't get any email with the activation number and the support doesn't respond at all, they are thieves and scammers !!!
Zaplatil jsem 2x 40 USD a nedostal jsem žádný e-mail s aktivačním číslem a podpora vůbec neodpovídá, jsou to zloději a podvodníci !!!
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