Pro isn't working
I paid for Televzr Pro Lifetime and now it won't let me download anything and says free downloads are up. Help. This is the reason that I paid. I am logged in and the PRO version is now missing.

Hello. For subscription related issues, refunds and problems with activation, please, write at: help@televzr.com

I thought that is who I emailed... who can actually help, and have them email or call me... I have paid and nothing is working...

@Christian, have you tried logging out and back in again?
If you do, you should see a page to put your e-mail address in for verification.
If it's successful you should be sent an e-mail with a verification link, which should activate the Pro features of Televzr.
If when you log in you're taken to the payments page, your payment hasn't worked.
HTH. Dave.

Yes I have logged out and back in... It only goes to the free mode and my LIFETIME payment was processed about two months ago.IT was working and now isn't. When I try to get logged back in it goes to a frozen screen that says: Get Back to Televzr, search activated. I would like my paid for service to function.

I have nothing to say it would be just repeating each and eveything you all are saying paid my money checked- they sure took quick from bank(5min) still get blue box free downloads are over. 20 emails no replies, trying to find phone number then, I am in charge of senior services here in wv I can and do call the Attorney General for things see what he says. I'am a old tired Vet and this is screwing with my RR! Later fellers. Hear something I'll be back.

Have you tried updating the app?
Press "ALT" and then select the menu item which appears top left.
Try updating, even if it already appears to be the current version.
If that doesn't work, I'm all out of ideas I'm afraid, and you'll have to e-mail them if you haven't already.
Cheers, Dave.

not too sure what you are thinking will pop up, but from the menu, I clicked check for updates and I appear to have the latest version. Thanks for your help, their service stinks.

OK, I'm not at all sure why you're getting what you're seeing when you log in to Televzr, it sounds like something is corrupted somewhere. The only other thing I can suggest is uninstalling the program and reinstalling it again.
When you log in, you should be seeing either the e-mail verification page if you have paid for the Pro version, or the payment registration page if you haven't.

Please write to this address help@televzr.com will be sure to answer and help you.

dear, I wrote 2 emails, but didn't get reply, my pro isn't working as well, please help

Вы уебки гребаныые, удалите вообще напоминание о себе в сети. Удалите свой сервис, который вы нелегальным смпопособом навязываете на компьютеры пользователей. Удалите свой сайт, верните людям все их деньги, а потом, сцуко, как русские офицеры - возьмите пистолет, сука каждый уебок в вашей конторе, и застрелитесь.

No, I'm afraid not!
It does sound like you've tried everything that you can, all you can do is e-mail them and wait until they reply.
They must have a record of your subscription, and if it's valid they've got to sort out whatever the problem is, or give you a refund! Sorry I couldn't be more help, I was just going on my experiences with the program. I have a lifetime sub as well, and it did stop working, but when I re-verified it again, it was fine. There is zero documentation about any of the procedures to do this though, which is not good!

Thank you for trying, I appreciate it and am/was pretty frustrated that it isn't working... Will hope they can figure it out.

This one is what I see when I first open the app and it says that I am logged in but obviously I am not. it is the free version and says no go on more free downloads. I bought the lifetime version in Q4 of 2019.

What else do I need to do? It has been paid for and seems that it has just stopped working after working for a couple months.

I'm having the same problems as Christian!!! Ive tried everything and it just directs me in circles!!! I paid for 6 months and it keeps saying I'm out of free downloads and it says to purchase, which I already did. this is not working. I have emailed asking for a refund and there's no response. This program sucks! IT DOES NOT WORK! but it takes your money!

Hello. For subscription related issues, refunds and problems with activation, please, write at: help@televzr.com

I'm having the same problems as Christian!!! Ive tried everything and it just directs me in circles!!! I paid for 6 months and it keeps saying I'm out of free downloads and it says to purchase, which I already did. this is not working.

Hello, we've released a fix. Please, re-download the app from our website and re-log in with your activation e-mail address

i have the same problem as Christian. the only diffrenet that i didn't work from the first time.

Hello, we've released a fix. Please, re-download the app from our website and re-log in with your activation e-mail address

I'm having the same problem too. It worked for one day. Now it says 'free downloads are over'

Hello, we've released a fix. Please, re-download the app from our website and re-log in with your activation e-mail address

Yeah I see the same thing lets give him a little more time before we string him up, I know crap from apple butter about theses things so could be lota crap. And bud if its me your askin if I;am on the staff that ain;t polite only staff I was ever on was ole capt. hals 5th marine corps sniper company in poly wog cam frickin bodia. so no I'am not . Anyway my solution is drink more beer go outside shoot the hell outa something! later you boys stay safe....

Hello, we've released a fix. Please, re-download the app from our website and re-log in with your activation e-mail address

Hey Guys! They did get mine to work, I had to ask support to physically add my email address to their Pro list. But now since I am in the USA and they are no longer support or run Televzr in the states. Basically, I paid for a lifetime acct, I had issues a majority of the time, and then they no longer operate where i am. I am requesting a refund and am done with this channel and also done with Televzr. Good luck everyone.

They got mine to work as well. Awesome! Hopefully is continues to work. I'm in Canada.

I'm having the same problem too. I just paid for pro and I reingstall many times but it not working.

I paid for the Lifetime Pro subscription during 2019 and did the suggested update yesterday. Now I can not download videos and, to add to my frustration, I can't even access my library of previously downloaded videos. Reason given, the program is no longer available to U.S. citizens.

I have the same problem with all of the above. Just paid and televzr is not working!! my email address is lillemargrave@gmail.com. If this will be the case please refund my payment.

Same issue. Purchased PRO in mid January 2021. Worked well for about a week and then I haven't used the program until today and noticed it's not working.
Sent help email, logged out and back in, uninstalled and reinstalled, same issue continues.
I'll be getting a refund through PayPal if it's not resolved in a timely manner.
I'll try to remember to update here if there is any progress, or no progress.

Basically, this company is just stealing money from us... I literally got 3 downloads for my "lifetime" subscription. What a joke! I started this chain over a year ago and have never received an answer or a refund. Not ok.
THE SOLUTION - use a better video downloader like AIRY or other platform.

OK Same problem paid month subscription got one download and than asks me to go to pro did that again it ask if am sure to parsed coz I register an hour ago I was not going to pay again

I am having the same problem, Purchased PRO on 4th July 2021 with my friends email id (ajloud@gmail.com)
It was working properly till today suddenly asking to activate pro. Kindly help

Good Luck - This company took my money for a lifetime subscription no problem and after only a couple months it stopped working and they never helped me or gave me a refund... I would recommend everyone on this thread ditch Televzr and use Airy... Way better and not a bunch of thieves.

Hi, I've signed up for the one-time fee Telezvr Premium acct 2 yrs ago and i came across the [Keep downloading hi-res and MP3 in PRO version] message on 28 July 2022. I follow the steps recommended by one of the contributors to this forum to update my Televzr 2020 on 29 July 2022 and IT'S WORKING FINE NOW!
What i did was:
Enter ALT on Televzr
Look out for a very small HELP menu at the Top Left
Click on HELP and it will show the following Menu:
Check for updates
Update Components
Show logs in Explorers
Version 1.9.84@2.3.94 (this will depends on your current version)
Select Check for Updates
After Telezvr is up to date, it works.
I've just realised that you can also click on the top right setting button to Check for updates whic is much simpler 😁
Hope this helps.

I understand your frustration with Televzr Pro. If you paid for a lifetime subscription and are experiencing issues with downloads being restricted and the PRO version missing, here are a few steps you can take:
1. **Check Your Account Status**: Ensure you are logged into the correct account associated with your lifetime subscription.
2. **Verify Subscription**: Sometimes, reactivating your subscription can resolve these issues. Look for any options in the app or website to refresh or restore your purchase.
3. **Contact Support**: For subscription-related issues, refunds, and activation problems, you can contact Televzr support directly at help@televzr.com. Provide them with your purchase details and a description of the issue.
If these steps don’t resolve your problem, reaching out to their support team is your best option for a swift resolution.

I purchased the software but did not get the activaton code. I have sent emails to help@televzr.com but there is no response from the email id. I have paid the money and it is frustrating not to use the software in spite of paying.

There is no activation code.
If you log into the app with the e-mail address you registered with, it should work, or prompt you to activate it.

I just paid for the app, got a download link, installed the app. But when I open it it asks me to pay again. And there's no way to get into settings or a menu since the buying popup comes up right away.
Any ideas?

Are you sure it's not just asking you to activate it?
Just put in the e-mail address you registered with.

This place/company has done nothing to help. They are a joke! I started this thread 5 years ago and never got anything other than notifications of other people also irritated. Use Airy or another option.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello. For subscription related issues, refunds and problems with activation, please, write at: help@televzr.com