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Televzr 1.9.41@2.3.46 has stopped working, have registered and paid version.

Petroleus 5 years ago updated by Alexander 5 years ago 3

Televzr has been my favourite application for downloading video and audio clips from YouTube. I have used it a lot over the last few days to collect some sounds for the sound track of privately digitized silent movies. From one moment to the next, it is no more possible to download anything. When I enter tzhe URL, the field "prepare download"slowly fills - but not to the whole anymore. Until half an hour ago, it used to fill to solid green and then I was able to choose the file format I wanted. But that point is not reached anymore. I have tried every YouTube file I can reach during the last half hour. For example 

Youtube video

I'm using windows 10, 64-bit version, on a brand new Ryzen PC. All drives have plenty of space left, so it cannot be a matter of space. Can you please try to help me? I have made a screenhot of the point where the preparation process always fails.

Image 146

I don't know how to upload the logs to you.

Oh, and besides the problem with the failing downloads: Half an hour ago, the televzr logo on my screen had a little "pro" at it's side which has vanished now. But I am registered and the web message om your site says that my app is activated. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the app. Unfortunately, it's not possible for me to uninstall televzr completely any more.There are two televzr entries in the system control section. Every attempt to deinstall the second one triggers a windows error message telling me the program could not be found. Seems like there must have gone something wrong with televzr and the windows registry - but what?

Please be so kind to help me.

Greetings from Germany,

Peter (Petroleus)


Under review

Hello, the problem is fixed, update the program.

I have the same paid version and am experiencing the same problem downloading youtube videos.

Hello, the problem is fixed, update the program.

Under review

Hello, the problem is fixed, update the program.