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Thanks for fixing the broken download link 👍🏻

I would but the download link is broken! 

Yep I'm having the same problem. The application says it's up to date when I do a manual check. When clicking on the download Windows version on your website I just get: 

404 Not Found


Hi Alexander, thanks, I've loaded the program today and it looks like I am now logged in. Previously, the program was not showing as logged in (as you can see in the pic) even though I'd authorized it.

Anyway thanks, it all appears to be working now. Have a nice day.

Hi there, here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWKzr6n0ea0

I've clicked log in and as you can see it's authorized successfully so I'm not sure what else to try...

Thanks for your help.

Hi there, it's broken again! I can no longer download 4K UHD videos :(