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hallo ich kann zuhause ohne internet die herunter geladene datei hören

a panje vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von Alexander vor 7 Jahren 1
Alexander vor 7 Jahren

Hello, if the file you downloaded, then of course you can.

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How to share from Mobile to PC?

Beth MacKenzie vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von Alexander vor 7 Jahren 1

I would want to share my downloaded movies to my PC. So how to I do that?

Alexander vor 7 Jahren

Hello, unfortunately this feature is not yet available, but in the future we will do it.

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accidentally logged into the wrong account on desktop, won't let me change account

crystallkq vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von Alexander vor 7 Jahren 1

please help

Alexander vor 7 Jahren

Hello, click on your login icon in the program and select the one you need.

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How do I x out of Televzr when I am finished viewing the video?

maryt vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von Alexander vor 7 Jahren 3
Alexander vor 7 Jahren

Hello, Unfortunately, we don't fully understand you... please. provide us with more details regarding the issue.

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зависает и скачивает только 1620

Дмитрий vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von Alexander vor 7 Jahren 1

Здравствуйте, программа периодически зависает при скачивании, и скачивает 3840 на 1620, 2160 не качает

Alexander vor 7 Jahren

Здравствуйте, какая у вас версия программы (посмотреть версию можно нажав клавишу "Alt"< "Help")?

Пришлите ссылку на видео которое Вы скачиваете? 

В каком качестве Вы хотите скачать?

Опишите более подробней, что Вы имеете виду под словами программа периодически зависает?

Можете прислать скриншот.

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How do you delete videos from Televzr?

Louis Ogden vor 7 Jahren aktualisiert von Alexander vor 7 Jahren 3
Alexander vor 7 Jahren

Hello, you can go two ways in order to delete videos from the app.
The first one is the simplest one — just click on a three dots icon in the right corner on the video preview and choose Delete file.
The second one — go to your Downloads folder and find there Televzr Downloads, all your downloaded videos are there.

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I have paid for the life time but could int download vedios

binumabraham vor 5 Jahren aktualisiert von Alexander vor 5 Jahren 3
Alexander vor 5 Jahren

Hello, what is your Operating System?
What's your app version (can be checked by pressing "Alt" < "Help")?
Could you please send a few links you can't download. We will check it out.
For the better understanding it'll be great to see a screenshot with the error.

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Still Pro Version After Update?

Dave-H vor 5 Jahren aktualisiert vor 2 Jahren 5

I just updated Televzr to version 1.9.26, but now it no longer says that it's Televzr Pro.

Is it still the Pro version? I paid for a lifetime subscription.

How can I tell if it's still the Pro version?

Thanks, Dave.

Alexander vor 5 Jahren

Thank you for using program Televzr.

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how do i minimize the app so i can open other windows

Uvi vor 6 Jahren aktualisiert von Alexander vor 6 Jahren 3
Alexander vor 6 Jahren

Hello, just like any other program.

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not working

jazz vor 6 Jahren aktualisiert von Alexander vor 6 Jahren 1

at first worked perfect but now its not operating ......please try to solve this issues

Alexander vor 6 Jahren

Hello, bugs fixed.

Update the program by pressing the "Alt" key to check the update.