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Is there a way of downloading a truplace video

g_line1 il y a 6 ans mis à jour il y a 6 ans 5
Alexander il y a 6 ans

Hello, what exactly and where do you want to download?

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Is there a desktop app so that I can save video to laptop?

CMC il y a 7 ans mis à jour par Alexander il y a 7 ans 1
Alexander il y a 7 ans

Hello, unfortunately, while this can not be done, we can do this function in the future

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Bitchute Video Platform

Arrow il y a 7 ans mis à jour par David Barry il y a 3 ans 2

Here's the problem. You do not allow for uploading from Bitchute. Please expand your platform to let me download Bitchute videos.

Alexander il y a 7 ans

Hello, the program is designed for downloading from Youtube.

The program also works as a media library.

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has downloader been stopped?

jock il y a 6 ans mis à jour par Alexander il y a 6 ans 1
Alexander il y a 6 ans

Hello, please, send us more details regarding the problem.

For the better understanding it'll be great to see a screenshot with the error.

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what the fuck? downloading slowed the hell down. fix that shit up

annajade016 il y a 6 ans mis à jour par Alexander il y a 6 ans 1
Alexander il y a 6 ans

Hi, the program does not affect the download speed.