I am unable to download from YouTube
I am unable to download from YouTube. I get the Prepare to Download message but no download. I've searched the forum for information but have found only one and that one not helpful.
The one I found says to check the version by pressing Alt < Help but there is no "Help" key on a USA keyboard. So that doesn't work.
The remedy says to upgrade the software but there does not appear to be any update or upgrade function. If I try to install a new version it says I have to close running programs. There are no running programs.
Any help is appreciated.

Hello, look at the screenshot to update the program.
If you can not update, reinstall the program: https://desktop.televzr.com

Hi ...
Thanks it's work great.
for any user if you want use this application just uninstall it from you PC/Laptop then download it from the website or Click here to direct download.
With my Regards
Mr. Mohmmad Aldosari

Hi I am having the same error. I just checked for updates and updated, and I'm still having the same problem. Further, I uninstalled and reinstalled and I am STILL having the same problem. Please help; this is urgent and time-sensitive.

Hello, what is your Operating System?
What's your app version (can be checked by pressing "Alt" < "Help")?
Could you please send a few links you can't download. We will check it out.
For the better understanding it'll be great to see a screenshot with the error.

Personal experience: that may because ( for not able to download video on youtube)
They (Google) have adapted a kind of new video technology called AV1 codec, as I know some of the downloaders/ devices do not support this kind of codec, hence that became the reason why they failed to download/ decode their downloaded video.
There are some useful resources may be helpful.

So. I gues many people have the same problem. I am also unable to dowload any video

Hi. I have the same problem with my PRO version. Youtube downloads have stopped working. I hope they'll fix it soon. I'm waiting for news. Greetings.

i have the same problem - they blame it on the " version' you are using. clearly NOT - This needs to be fixed!

Alexander great job. I love your great app. I have the same problem. I did update but it did not help. I have win 7 64 bit and Televzr ver 1-9-41@2.3.46.
Thank you your effort to help us-

I don't know if this will help. When I did my update, it appeared not to work. But once I restarted the background service and then restarted Televzr it did work after all. It now works correctly for me.
I'm using Windows. In the lower right of your desktop in the area called "the tray" locate the icon for Televzr. Right click on that icon and then select "Quit" from the menu displayed. This will shut down the background process and will close the Televzr app if it is running.
Then, just restart Televzr.
This is dependent on successfully updating the app to the latest version. I'm using 1.9.41@2.3.47 If you are unable to update I would suggest removing Televzr and then download and re-install using any credentials you had from your existing subscription.

how do you restart the background service? and are you on a MAC or PC? - actually i just did this and it didnt work for me
i get an error when i try to update anyway.

thanks for the info but i am on a Macbook The mac os has a different but similar way of doing what you did and it didn't work either.
i have removed and re-downloaded and reinstalled the program 5 times in the last 48hrs to no avail. It used to work fine :(

It's been over 2 weeks and a couple of email request (including a screen shot) and still the app doesn't work. I better not be charged because I will see legal assistance if this does not get fixed or I get a refund.

Hello. For subscription related issues, refunds and problems with activation, please, write at: help@televzr.com

Getting an error that says service no longer available to US users. Not only do I use this ALL the time but my girlfriend just got her own subscription like 2 weeks ago :(

Hi ...
Thanks it's work great.
for any user if you want use this application just uninstall it from you PC/Laptop then download it from the website or Click here to direct download.
With my Regards
Mr. Mohmmad Aldosari

Hi there! televzr has stopped downloading videos from Youtube. Need help with that

Hi there, my TelevzrPRO has stopped downloading videos from Youtube today.
Program is up to date 1.9.55@2.3.64
I use Firefox with Windows 7 on my PC.
After every search says: ''Sorry, nothing was found...'

Hello there, same problem here, too. Televzr Pro stopped downloading from every source, not only YT.
Win10, Firefox, Televzr .. everything is up to date.
what now ? Thank You, hopefully You'll find a way.

Hello again,
and thank You very much :-) With the latest update (made just a few minutes before) it keeps on going :)
Very ice job,that's what I call service ;-)
best regards and have a nice day !

Thank you for quick reply and for fixing the program.
Great service!
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello, look at the screenshot to update the program.
If you can not update, reinstall the program: https://desktop.televzr.com