Your comments

thanks for the info but i am on a Macbook The mac os has a different but similar way of doing what you did and it didn't work either.

i have removed and re-downloaded and reinstalled the program 5 times in the last 48hrs to no avail. It used to work fine :(

how do you restart the background service? and are you on a MAC or PC? - actually i just did this and it didnt work for me

i get an error when i try to update anyway. 

jay... it shouldn't be - this is so LAME!

are u serious? I just downloaded a new one this morning! and have already been over this with you!

Version 1.9.41 (1.9.41@2.3.46)


i have the same problem - they blame it on the " version' you are using. clearly NOT - This needs to be fixed!

i have the same problem. was told i was running an old pro version. downloaded new one, SAME ISSUE! WTF?