Welcome to Televzr community where you can simply ask any question or report a problem. Before you create a new discussion, please check if your subject has previously been discussed by using a form below. If not, feel free to send a request.

не скачивает видео

i paused dounload and i had lost my internet balance . then i open next day i did not find my paussed dounload ?

Hello, if the program was closed, the video must be put on the download again.

why do i have to restart downloading what i am downloading when my pc gos off unexpectedly
when my computer goes off unexpected when downloading, I am would have to restart the whole downloading when I boot the machine.

Unable to watch content after downloading
Videos will not play after downloading, I used to be able to before but not now?

Hello, send a link to the video that is not playing in your program.
What is your Operating System?
What's your app version (can be checked by pressing "Alt" < "Help")?

Hi there, I need to use this site, can anyone please take me through?
This is my first time using Televzr, Can anyone please guide me through? Best regards to all

youtube search
Please give at least two descriptions about videos :
- The time video uploaded, and
- The channel name of the video with verified right mark
Also sorting of videos according to quality and time would be appreciated...

Hello, we will take into account your requests.
What's your app version (can be checked by pressing "Alt" < "Help")?


Hi there :)
Is there any possibility to release a Linux version of this?

how do i change the download folder?
I wanna know how to change the download location

Hi, at the moment it is impossible to change the folder, this is a feature in development.

Hello, bugs fixed.
Update the program by pressing the "Alt" key to check the update.
Customer support service by UserEcho