Welcome to Televzr community where you can simply ask any question or report a problem. Before you create a new discussion, please check if your subject has previously been discussed by using a form below. If not, feel free to send a request.
How do I cancel my subscription?
Has anyone successfully cancelled their subscription? Do I really have to wait for their email support?
결제한지 15일이 지나도록 pro활성화가 안됨니다.
이 계정에 등록된 자동 결제를 중단하고 결제하신 금액을 환불해 주시기 바랍니다.
확인을 위한 이메일 qkrwjdqn@naver.com(네이버이메일), wjdqn@gmail.com(구글이메일)
Please stop the automatic payment registered to this account vlcl05@naver.com And please give me a refund on the payment made 12.09.2024
Please stop the automatic payment registered to this account vlcl05@naver.com
And please give me a refund on the payment made 12.09.2024
Downloads from Youtube do not complete. Onley get to 98%.
I have a Lifetime Pro subscription and have a problem in that my downloads will not complete. They get to 99% and then either freeze or come back with a restart option. This has been referred to Teh Support as it has happened before and they resolved it
у меня такая проблема.
обновила до про.
До этого скачивание было отличного.
Сейчас после покупки, скачанные файлы проигрываются не полностью, частями, часто заедают.
Мне обещали плюсы, но я вижу что стало хуже!
Ответьте пожалуйста в чём причина, или я отключу премиум и удалю бесполезное приложение
subcription cancellation
I want to unsubscribe from the pro version of the program. How do I do that? Like I don't want to pay the money next month. I don't mind if you keep the money you already have, but please unsubscribe me from your premium program. Like, unsubscribe me right now. Why aren't you responding???
subcription cancellation
I want to unsubscribe from the pro version of the program. How do I do that? Like I don't want to pay the money next month. I don't mind if you keep the money you already have, but please unsubscribe me from your premium program. Like, unsubscribe me right now. Why aren't you responding???
Customer support service by UserEcho