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Connexion troubles
Hi, I have several problems with the app since a few days
For some reason, I've had to turn off my computer while the program Televzr was downloading some videos.
When I turned it on again, all the videos I was currently downloading were erased from my history, which is quite a problem for me, because I can't find these again.
I tried disconnecting to see if these would appear again after reconnecting. But now, I actually can't connect anymore, no matter how I tried. When I click on "connexion" on the software, it obviously sends me to the website. But whether I use "Log in with Google" or "log in by any email", when it sends me back on the app, I'm still not connected ! I tried restarting my computer, I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software, but I still can't seem to connect. So I still can't connect directly on the software, despite having an account and I can't find where the problem comes from.
I also tried reconnecting from another computer but doesn't make any difference
Please, help !!! 😭😭😭😭😭
Para comprovar si era fallo mio, hoy he vuelto a pagar otra vez y me sigue reclamando el pago después de abonar 2 veces el pago mensual
Not able to download on macOS
Nothing happens when trying to download using Chrome on Ventura 13.4
can not search by url
I am a paid user.
from one of the updates, I can't search videos by URL anymore. just a youtube video.
I have to search for the video name, but by that way, preparing for download takes forever.
it's super frustrating.
can someone help?
format selection issue
Used pro version couple times w no issues. Starting yesterday - app started downloading everything in webm format and refuses to switch back to mp4, pretty frustrating
Convert vp09 in x264
Hello everything is fine?
The vp09 converter automatically to x264 is no longer working and some downloaded videos are not being able to be used in Adobe Premiere. Can you fix this?
I have already registered and paid, but it still ask me to activate PRO
I have already registered and paid, but it still ask me to activate PRO, and I can't download HD video.
I send the question to help@televzr.com, but no reply
Customer support service by UserEcho