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Drag and drop not working with Opera
I try to drag a file to Televizr but it does not accept. How do I initiate a link to a previously unused site?
Hello, are you dragging the link?
For the better understanding it'll be great to see a screenshot with the error.
why dont all my downlouds go to the televzr app even though the logo is on it and when i play them they play on the televzr app but they dont show up in it?
Hello, thanks for contacting, we will try to figure out what the problem is and fix it.
Hello, click on the icon for your profile and log in to the account you need.
Hi, we do not quite understand what your problem is, describe in more detail.
Hello, Subtitles can only be downloaded if they are connected to a video and not created automatically.
how to export videos
I have download 16 videos from you tube but I don't know how to export all the downloaded videos from Televzr to my hard drive...Help me
Hello, the downloaded videos are already on your hard drive.
If we do not understand your problem correctly, describe in more detail.How can I view my desktop view on-the-go mobile because have connected it to the mobile but can see them
Hello, you can view only the video and also download it to your mobile device.
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