Under review

app not working

Katherine Anderson 5 years ago updated by Alexander 5 years ago 7

I downloaded the app yesterday, and it worked great. Today, when I went to use it, I opened the app but the window doesn't appear. I tried restarting my computer, and I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application, and the same problem happens. See attached screen shots. The app is running, but nothing shows up on my screen.

Image 78

Image 79


Under review

Hello, you need to delete the file ~ / Library / Application Support / Televzr Desktop

Under review

Hello, you need to delete the file ~ / Library / Application Support / Televzr Desktop

That file does not seem to exist for me to delete. See screenshot below. 

You are in the wrong directory, click Go> Go to Folder in the Finder and enter the path “~ / Library / Application Support / Televzr Desktop”

ah - ok. and then I delete that entire Televzr Desktop folder?

that worked! thank you!!!


Always happy to help.