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Hello, for the better understanding it'll be great to see a screenshot with the error.
Downloads from ok.ru
Hello, Televzr is very good programm, but please fix www.ok.ru video download problem. Maximum size of video is 95mb.
Hi, send a screenshot of the program as you download videos from the site OK.
burn files to DVD file to burn
I have several video files but only gut music when burning to DVD how do I send files to burn video. I have also tried to put on memory stick to play in car dvd but didn't recognize it.
Hi, you need a special program for recording DVDs, it is better to search it on the Internet
Hello, what exactly does not work for you, can you write to us in more detail?
I am trying to download a video to use on I movie, I have it downloaded. How do I add it?
Hello, I do not quite understand you, describe your question in more detail.
Can I delete a file that I downloaded?
I sometimes download something I later decide I don't want..but I don't see any way to delete that file?
Не скачивается видео через клиент Televzr (beta vers.) !!
По ссылке подтянул видео с видеохостинга vbox7, видео нашлось, загрузка прогружается и ничего не грузит!!!
Что делать?
Здравствуйте, пришлите пару ссылок видео что не можете скачать "для теста".
cannot open/start televzr without internet access. Can someone help?
I can open the televzr app with internet access just fine, but as soon as the internet access is gone the app cannot be open. can someone help?
Hello, what exactly does not work in the program without access to the Internet
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