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Андрей 4 years ago 0
After trial download, the “continue to PRO” and “enter” icons do not work for subsequent authorization   andur.gogljanoi2013@gmail.com

не могу авторизоваться

Андрей 4 years ago 0

Не открывается иконка Вход вверху с права для авторизации в приложении.Скачанная программа( 746478800.1594048286...) 10.07.2020 для Windovs 7 уже 2 суток нет ответа от Вас из эл.почты  andur.gogljanoi2013@gmail.com



AAa 4 years ago 0



I can't install it. It's stuck in half

baby 4 years ago 0

Image 167


can you Add a button for change quality next to the download button

abdeen123 4 years ago updated by Dave-H 4 years ago 1

can you Add a button for change quality next to the download button


I can't open a file as i get a message saying missing metadata

willenehadden 4 years ago 0

Why when I am trying to open a downloaded file it says I can't as missing metadata